If you’re looking for a healthier alternative to coffee along with lower caffeine, you have come to the right place. This beverage evolved from ancient times and supported by modern science. We are talking about spice-forward chai tea presenting tasty flavours while helping sustain energy, gut health and glowing skin.

Related Article: Caffeine: Expectations vs. Reality

Related Article: The Ultimate Alternative To Coffee—Chai

happy guy with coffee#1. Improve Mood and Memory

Caffeine has been extensively researched on brain’s physiology and function. Smoothly crossing the blood-brain barrier (BBB) caffeine competes for adenosine receptors while stimulating central nervous system (CNS) through neurotransmitters like GABA, dopamine and serotonin.

This increased brain activity improves mood, attention, reaction time, alertness along with cognitive and physical performance. [1-4] As with all stimulants, we build tolerance needing more coffee to reproduce these abilities. During times of low caffeine our bodies experience withdrawal symptoms of being agitated or irritated. [3,4]

Polyphenols in coffee (chlorogenic / caffeic acids) and black tea (tannic acid) appear to reduce iron absorption. [5,6] The green tea (catechin) iron research is mixed. [58,59] The mechanism is not fully understood but believed that the same polyphenols that act as strong antioxidants (that seek out and neutralize free radicals) also do the same to free floating iron molecules. [6]

Caffeine can further interfere with absorption of B-vitamins, magnesium and calcium, [7] all which are necessary for neural activity and upkeep of ever-important neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, GABA, etc). [8]

Chai tea spices are not only known for potent antioxidants that fight inflammation but, also increase bioavailability of other ingredients. Black pepper’s piperine does this unique task by increasing absorption of numerous active compounds like selenium, curcumin, beta-carotene, and several types of vitamins. [62]

Another benefit of chai is that spices are loaded with a full micronutrient profile. For example, tablespoon of black pepper contains 18% of manganese, 13% of vitamin K, 10% of iron and 7% of dietary fiber daily values. Even small doses of pepper combined with other spices increase overall daily consumption of valuable vitamins and minerals. [9]

#2. Enhanced Digestion and Gut Health

Being an acidic drink by nature, coffee can be tough on the stomach. Coffee has been known to relax esophageal sphincter (muscle that keeps stomach contents from coming back up) causing some acid reflux and heartburn. [10]

Coffee can also decrease insulin sensitivity, meaning more insulin is needed to move absorbed sugars from bloodstream into body cells. [11] For some of us, coffee works as a laxative, stimulating colon muscles to push out its contents faster. [12] This expedited bathroom break expels partially digested nutrients disrupting the absorption process.

Tea is a natural prebiotic. The larger size polyphenols like theaflavins and thearubigins in black tea pass through small intestine and enter colon to feed residential gut microbiome, enhancing the growth of good bacteria while inhibiting bad strains. [13]

Chai spices like black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, ginger, nutmeg, star anise, fennel and coriander have all shown to elevate each gastrointestinal (GI) process, improve insulin sensitivity and alleviate common digestive problems. These include antibacterial properties that protect microbiome against foreign infectious species. [13-18]

#3. Build Stronger Bones

Caffeine leaches calcium from bones and is often associated with decreased strength and density. [19] This requires a lot of coffee (over 8 cups) along with poor calcium diet to potentially place people at a greater risk of osteoporosis. [2,19,20]

Chai tea on the other hand has consistently shown to support bone health. Numerous studies link tea drinkers to stronger bones against their non-tea drinking counterparts. [24-25] Though all black and oolong teas display this benefit, green tea has the best osteo-protective quality. [66] The reason is polyphenols called catechins that add 30%-40% of extractable solids within dried green tea leaves and come with wide range of health benefits including healthier bones. [21,22]

Star anise, cloves, ginger, fennel and other chai spices possess potent polyphenols with antioxidant and anti-inflammation properties which protect bone tissue against oxidative damage. [15-17, 22, 23] Star anise is a good source of calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), manganese (Mn2+), phosphorus (common ion form: H2PO3- or P3-) and vitamin K, which all partake in bone strengthening process. Its essential oils are loaded with anethole (main active compound) which could mimic hormone estrogen and produce similar effects.

Osteoporosis often associated with menopausal women as result of declining estrogen levels. Anethole rich foods able to revert bone loss and protect against osteoporosis. [23]

people drinking tea

#4. Experience Radiant Skin

Our skin is the largest body organ, comprised of layers of specialized cells which protect the body against outside elements, communicate through sensations, store and produce energy and nutrients (vitamin D). [71] Water loss is one of the big markers of skin damage. Habitual coffee drinkers may experience a diuretic effect that expels more liquids out of the body. [26-28]

Chai consumers notice the difference in their skin. Beyond hydrating qualities, tea polyphenols act as powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-mutagenic agents that greatly contribute to overall health and wellbeing. [13,29,32-34] Such benefits extend to the skin protection against sun rays and UV damage by inhibiting key factors within inflammatory response. [23,34] Teas also used topically in creams and ointments showcasing similar advantages. [35]

Popular spices of chai blends such as coriander, black pepper, turmeric and nutmeg further bolster the polyphenol count that neutralize free radicals, reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation enhancing skin’s clarity, texture and glow. [53,62,74-75] Also, each spice contains zinc, vitamins A and E, potent antioxidants shown as factors in reducing inflamed skin and acne. [36]

Ancient spice turmeric has been hailed as a miracle ingredient and for good reasons. Its active compound curcumin identified as the strongest antioxidant thus far, and has been used in foods, teas, supplements and cosmetics. [37]

Curcumin protects against oxidation like no other by interrupting main pathways and inhibiting key factors within multifaceted inflammation mechanism. [37] This impressive ability helps to improve body’s immune response, decrease cancerous tumors, and reduce numerous skin conditions like psoriasis, scleroderma, and vitiligo. [37] Furthermore, spices like black pepper increase curcumin’s absorption into bloodstream by up to 2000%. [9] Such synchronized effect is the true difference of the power of spices.

#5. Uncompromising Flavour and Function

When it comes to coffee versus chai, the cup-of-joe with its caffeine and polyphenol content comes with described benefits. Coffee beans are fragrant and can be prepared many ways that extrapolate complex flavours. However, drinking numerous cups of coffee each day for years will start to produce some adverse affects. As an alternative, many are discovering chai tea and its power of spice.

The blends of teas and spices offer sustainable energy along with wide range of health benefits. No jittery caffeine spikes or irritating state; just lots of tasty polyphenols ready to elevate body’s wellbeing long term.

At Dupi’s Chai, we are famous for 100% wholesome ingredients made from premium teas, exotic spices and nootropic herbs. Each superfood blend is designed to enhance body’s function from inside out. The phytonutrients within bolster immunity and ever-complex microbiome, enhance organ function and protect tissues against oxidative stress and environmental factors. Above all, each cup is diet-flexible offering beautiful aroma and taste.

So, go ahead and Get Healthy with our Functional Spiced Teas—they are a Game Changer!


chai tea boxes, add milk to teabags

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1. https://www.bmj.com/content/359/bmj.j5024

2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caffeine

3. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31523679/

4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK202225/

5. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2598894/

6. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30288374/

7. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/279923885_Effects_of_caffeine_on_health_and_nutrition_A_Review

8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK28242/

9. https://dupischai.com/black-pepper-bioavailability/

10. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7918922/

11. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28031026/

12. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8587758/

13. https://dupischai.com/elevate-gut-power-tea/



16. https://dupischai.com/coriander-seeds-health-benefits/

17. https://dupischai.com/cloves-wellness-benefits/

18. https://dupischai.com/chai-tea-benefits/

19. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30340340/

20. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28438661/

21. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31652732/

22. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19700031/



25. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19700031/



28. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28868290/

29. https://dupischai.com/immunity-tea-fortify/

30. https://dupischai.com/arise-tea-brain/

31. https://dupischai.com/immunity-tea-fortify/



34. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27723473/


36. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23826827/
